Our Quality Management System and multiple inspections performed at each production stage along with continuous various product tests guarantee the highest quality of our products.
Our system’s compliance with the Russian standard GOST R ISO 9001-2015 and with the international standard ISO 9001:2015 has been verified by the RosTechCert and Quality Austria, certification bodies.
All of our products have a quality certificate to certify their compliance with the requirements or additional consumer requirements, or to trace the production, materials used, or tests and controls performed for this product (where necessary).
1. Incoming Inspection
To ensure high quality characteristics and performance of our products, both the components of polyurethane materials and the metals used for a metal base and a mold undergo the incoming inspection.
2. Process Monitoring
The system of monitoring of technological processes performed both automatically and by the production department (at random) ensures the provision and monitoring of the parameters set.
3. Proof Testing
Regardless of the product type/intended use, all product materials are subject to mandatory testing of their physical and mechanical properties to verify that the product characteristics comply with the set parameters.
Our onsite laboratory specialists carry out a variety of multisample chemical tests of all materials used.
Physical and mechanical testing, and the simulation of various working conditions of the products are performed with the INSTRON and SHIMADZU test systems.
We’ve been cooperating with a number of institutes and testing centers to conduct some specific tests (e. g., for big-sized products) including those carried out upon the customer’s request.
For better selection of materials and to ensure compliance with any technical requirements for the product, the following tests are carried out: