Unikom-Service production is fitted out with cutting-edge equipment from leading French, Austrian, and UK manufacturers (Engel, Economos) – in total XX machines.

The company leverages all key polyurethane technologies: mold casting, thermoplastic injection molding, rotational casting, CNC machining, and elastomeric coating.


  • Mold casting
  • Thermoplastic injection molding
  • CNC lathing
  • Rotational casting
  • Elastomeric coating


polyurethane grades


tons of processed raw materials

3 000

product types

100 000



Thermoset shop

Mold casting of over 3,000 products weighing from 5g to 3tons.

The thermoset shop includes seven European injection molding machines. The facility is equipped with a unique climate control system, which maintains the set temperature, eliminating production defects.

Thermoplastics shop

Injection molding of products weighing up to 2.5kg.

The thermoplastics shop is equipped with seven various injection molding machines.

Polyurethane spraying area

Elastomeric coatings of various types of equipment and structures both in-house (in the company’s existing facilities) and on a call-out basis.

The area is equipped with a modern high-performance sputter dispenser, surface pretreatment equipment, shot blasting, and drying chambers.

Rotational casting shop

Manufacture of shafts for pulp and paper, woodworking, smelting and mining companies, large-sized products weighing up to 10 tons, up to 8 meters long and up to 2 meters in diameter.

Polyurethane coating of shafts without manufacture of molding tools, using the RibbonFlow technology.

Metal machining shop

Manufacturing tools and molds for the company’s own needs, as well as production of metal nonstandard size products and structures for various industries.

The machining shop performs turning, milling, boring work, metal cutting, CNC machining.

The in-house laboratory provides multistage quality control for chemical properties of all materials used. The physical and mechanical properties of the material are determined using special stands, and various operating conditions of the products are simulated.

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